You know, I realize I should just get used to this . . . but I continue to be amazed at the willingness of Westminster alumni to stand up and be counted. Last week I wrote about the importance of relationship building over networking, and I pledged to do my very best to create an alumni network that is worthy of our alumni.
And then, without any more prompting from me, I got responses from young alumni around the country offering their help!
- From the Bay Area, California - Chris Skinner
- From the Washington DC area - Seth Longhurst
- From New York City - Jessica Mertlich and Cassie Norman
I feel like the guy in "Field of Dreams". Remember that movie? He builds a baseball field in the middle of his cornfield? Well . . . humor me, because I feel a little like that. I've been dreaming about what the Westminster alumni network could become (kind of like the Costner character did with his ball field). I have had this idea that by communicating often and well (like creating this blog) we could engage alumni all over the country and the world and do so in meaningful ways. I am thrilled that our first big "call" has resulted in alumni from various areas of the country stepping up to offer their assistance in creating a viable, and meaningful network.
I honestly believe that our alumni have been patiently waiting for us to "build it". As alumni, we need just a bit of infrastructure (you know, like the ball field in the movie) and our alumni will come!!! The good news is that we've built the infrastructure. It now exists in a unique online community called inCircle. Within this program, alumni can connect with each other in the same industry, city, or area of interest. We can promote the idea of "alumni hiring alumni". This program will also allow alumni to network with each other, search for jobs, provide career advice, or reconnect with former classmates and professors.
Like the "field" in Iowa, inCircle can be our field of dreams! |
In the trailer for the movie (above) Ray's wife reminds him that he believed in the magic and it happened.
Well, I believe in the magic - and it is happening. I'm so encouraged. Let's do this. Let's build this field of dreams. Let's make those dreams reality for our alumni. Contact the alumni office at 801-832-2748 or
The Alumni Network is OUR field of dreams. We're building it. Will YOU come?